プロフェッショナル紹介:サックスプレイヤー・Aaron Bennett 〜サンフランシスコから届ける深みのある音色

ONLIVE Studio blog では、登録プロフェッショナルをご紹介! 今回は世界三大ジャズフェスティバルにも出演経験があり、世界をまたにかけて活躍するサックスプレイヤー・ Aaron Bennett (アーロン・ベネット)さんに、自身のルーツや音楽遍歴についてお聞きしていきたいと思います。

2024-07-297min read

ONLIVE Studio で対応しているお仕事のサービス







Aaron Bennett decided to dedicate his life to music at the age of 14 after hearing John Coltrane, hoping to one day give others the feeling he felt when hearing his music. This began a long journey that he continues on today.

After earning his BA in music with an emphasis on classical saxophone performance, he then earned an MFA a in Jazz performance where he studied with some of the greatest minds in Jazz including Charlie Haden, Wadada Leo Smith, Larry Koonse and Joe Labarbara. He has also studied musics from Bali, Java, Ghana, Japan and India. Since graduating, he has had a busy career, making music with a wide variety of amazing musicians and bands from many genre's including jazz, afro-beat, pop/rock, funk and many others, including working with the following; Wadada Leo Smith, Mykal Rose, Peter Kowald, John Butcher, Weasel Walter, Adam Lane, Aphrodesia, Lagos-Roots, The Rova Saxophone Quartet, William Hooker, Lisa Mezzacappa and Vijay Anderson .

He has performed in clubs and festivals across the U.S. and abroad including recent appearances at the Monterey Jazz Festival, the San Francisco Jazz Festival, and the Novara Jazz Festival in Italy.







  • Moe! Staiano MOE!KESTRA!(1998)
  • Adam Lane - Hollywood Wedding (1999)
  • Aaron Bennett - Live at Luggage (2000)
  • Blowout - The Supporting Theory (2001)
  • Adam Lane - Full Throttle Orchestra (2001)
  • Guerrilla Hi-fi (2001)
  • Electro Magnetic Trans-Personal Orchestra (2002)
  • Go-go Fightmaster (2002)
  • Aphrodesia Shackrobeat Vol. 1 (2003)
  • Recursive Heretics (2003)
  • Guerrilla Hi-fi - Redevelopment (2003)
  • Guerrilla Hi-fi - Undeveloped (2005)
  • Dissenting Soundscapes (2005)
  • Aphrodesia - Frontlines (2005)
  • Adam Lanes Full Throttle Orchestra - New Magical Kingdom (2006)
  • Aphrodesia - Rough & Funny (2006)
  • Weasel Walter (2009)
  • William Hooker Earth's Orbit (2009)
  • Go-Go Fightmaster Sound 1 (2009)
  • World Groove Volume 2 (2010)
  • Lisa Mezzacappa's Bait & Switch (2010)
  • Paris DJs Troubadour Warriors (2013)
  • Sextessense (2013)
  • Mykal Rose Showdown in a Bloody Town (2013)
  • Lisa Mezzacappa's Bait & Switch Comeuppance (2013)
  • Touch and Go Sextet Live at the Novara Jazz Festival (2014)
  • Mykal Rose Sidewalk Steppa (2016)
  • Shipwreck 4 (2016)
  • Lisa Mezzacappa's AvantNOIR (2017)
  • Paris DJs Friends & Family (2017)
  • Vijay Anderson Quartet Covers (2020)
  • Lisa Mezzacappa Six Cosmicomics (2020)
  • The Aaron Bennett Trio Plays for Lovers (2023)



As a young man, I heard John Coltrane and decided to dedicate my life to saxophone and playing Jazz. Since then I have played in many different ensembles, Rock, Pop, Reggae ..



I decided to dedicate his life to music at the age of 14 after hearing John Coltrane, hoping to one day give others the feeling he felt when hearing his music. This began a long journey that continues to this day.

After earning my BA in music with an emphasis on classical saxophone performance, I then earned an MFA a in Jazz performance where I studied with some of the greatest minds in Jazz including Charlie Haden, Wadada Leo Smith, Larry Koonse and Joe Labarbara. I have also studied musics from Bali, Java, Ghana, Japan and India. Since graduating, I have had a busy career, making music with a wide variety of amazing musicians and bands from many genre's including jazz, afro-beat, pop/rock, funk and many others, including working with the following; Wadada Leo Smith, Mykal Rose, Peter Kowald, John Butcher, Weasel Walter, Adam Lane, Aphrodesia, Lagos-Roots, The Rova Saxophone Quartet, William Hooker, Lisa Mezzacappa and Vijay Anderson .

I have performed in clubs and festivals across the U.S. and abroad including recent appearances at the Monterey Jazz Festival, the San Francisco Jazz Festival, and the Novara Jazz Festival in Italy.

ジョン・コルトレーンの音楽を聴いたときに感じた感動をいつか他の人にも味わってもらいたいと思い、14歳のときに音楽に人生を捧げることを決意しました。 これが今日まで続く長い旅の始まりです。






I have been performing in various ensembles at clubs and events ranging from large Jazz festivals to school auditoriums and local events. I have also worked a bit as a studio musician performing or recordings of all kinds of music, including jobs playing for reggae legends Mykal Rose and Sly and Robbie. I have toured with bands across the united states and worked often as a substitute musician in touring ensembles. Due to the COVID 19 shutdown, I lost many jobs, including a tour and album to be recorded. All of the clubs I played in were shutdown. I practiced a lot at home and performed live in an online computer game. I decided to record an album of my own with two of my favorite musicians I have worked with over the years, Dan Seamans on bass and Smith Dobson Jr. on drums. I released this album, which has been played on radio stations across the globe and we performed as a trio for the San Francisco Jazz festival. The album was called " The Aaron Bennet Trio Play for Lovers" and can be found on all the streaming services. Physical CD's are available on band camp. https://aaronbennett.bandcamp.com. Since then, I have been sponsored by a music organization and plan 3 more releases in the coming years.




COVID19 によるシャットダウンで、出演していたクラブはすべて閉鎖され、私はツアーやレコーディング予定のアルバムを含む多くの仕事を失いました。



このアルバムは 『The Aaron Bennet Trio Play for Lovers 』と名付けられ、すべてのストリーミング・サービスで聴くことができます。

また、フィジカル CD は bandcamo で入手可能です。(https://aaronbennett.bandcamp.com



I would be interested in Playing saxophone on peoples projects and collaborating with musicians from around the world. I am interested in partnerships and would want to receive appropriate credit for my work




I want to receive credit for my creative output.



I am a great improviser. I have a good ear and can adapt to any musical situation easily



I want to travel the world playing music. I want as many people on the planet to hear my music as possible.



music is life!






Pro Tools, Waveform 11


Behringer Xenyx 1202FX Mixer with Effects


Aspen Pittman Designs DT-1 Dual Top Condenser Handheld Vocal Microphone
Shure PGA98H-XLR Cardioid Condenser Gooseneck Instrument Microphone
Rode NT1

以上、今回はサックスプレイヤー・Aaron Bennett さんをご紹介致しました。ジャズを軸に、ワールドワイドに活躍する Aaron Bennett さん。



Aaron Bennett さんにお仕事を依頼したい方は、以下のページからどうぞ↓

Aaron Bennett | ONLIVE Studio
ONLIVE Studio は、音楽のプロフェッショナルと、依頼者がマッチングできるサービスです。ONLIVE Studio には、プロデューサー、ミックスエンジニア、スタジオミュージシャンをはじめとした、業界の第一線で活躍している様々な音楽のプロフェッショナルが登録されています。依頼者は自分に合ったプロフェッショナルを検索し、ONLIVE Studio 上で依頼をすることが可能です。



Written by

東京出身の音楽クリエイター。 幼少期から音楽に触れ、高校時代ではボーカルを始める。その後弾き語りやバンドなど音楽活動を続けるうちに、自然の流れで楽曲制作をするように。 多様な音楽スタイルを聴くのが好きで、ジャンルレスな音楽感覚が強み。 現在は、ボーカル、DTM講師の傍ら音楽制作を行なっている。 今後、音楽制作やボーカルの依頼を増やし、さらに活動の幅を広げることを目指している。

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